From hands on therapy to specialised equipment and exercise regimes, we offer a range of treatments and services tailored to suit every individual


  • comprehensive examination and diagnosis
  • gym referrals
  • exercise prescription
  • dry needling
  • workplace assessments
  • orthotics
  • sports strapping/taping
  • gait retraining
  • postural assessments and correction

Real - Time Ultrasound


South Fremantle Physiotherapy offers Real-Time Ultrasound imaging to assess the stablising muscles of the lumbar spine and pelvis. These muscles are commonly referred to as your 'core' and include the pelvic floor, transverse abdominus (the deepest muscle in the abdominal group) and multifidus (a lower back muscle). These muscles may become inhibited following lower back injuries or chronic lower back pain. Without specific strengthening exercises to reactivate these muscles, recovery from injury may be poor and lead to recurrent back pain. Real-Time Ultrasound uses sound waves that are transmitted through the skin via conductive gel that produce an image on a screen. This visual feedback is used to assess and retrain the stabilising muscles of the lower back. It is also useful to address pelvic floor dysfunction issues such as incontinence and urgency. Real-Time Ultrasound allows the physiotherapist to retrain the pelvic floor without the need for an internal examination.

Dry Needling


Dry needling is the technique of using needles to relieve tension and pain in certain Trigger Points, by relaxing spasmed muscles and reducing inflammation. A Trigger Point is an area of irritability in a skeletal muscle. This Eastern traditional medicine technique has become an accepted part of the Western medicine framework and patients often ask for it as part of their treatment. Our physiotherapists are skilled in this area and regularly integrate dry needling into their practice, particularly for those patients suffering from chronic neck and back pain, headaches, pelvic pain, general muscle tightness and other joint conditions such as shoulder, knee and elbow pain. The needles are very fine and most people feel very little discomfort, however if the muscle is sensitive or has active trigger points, a sensation similar to a muscle cramp may be experienced. The patient may also feel a reproduction of their pain which is very useful in diagnosing their symptoms.